Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Great Gatsby/Jon and Kate +8


Seminar Question
1) When you have wealth are you more prone to cheating?  Is there more pressure on you?
2)Will Gatsby always miss Daisy if it doesn't work out between the two?
3)Who will take the blame John or Kate? Both?  Who deserves the blame?
4)Who would keep the kid; Tom or Daisy if they got divorced?

Blog Question:  Why do celebrities continually make unethical mistakes?  Why does our society celebrate these flawed people?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Great Gatsby and Dwight Howard

1. Can two people with such contrasting personalities coexist and work toward a common goal?

2. Is money positive or negative

3. Does money give you power?

New Question:
We know that affluence (wealth, social status, power etc.) can sometimes put you above the law. Do you think it should? Do you believe it is ok or justifiable for those people? Why?

Link to video: