Monday, February 27, 2012

 Censorship Of Huck Finn (ACTA SOPA PIPA)

1) Do you think there are any situations in which the internet should be censored?

2) Is censorship an acceptable way to discourage piracy, or how would you discourage it?

3) Should artists, photographers, etc be able to disclose their work through censorship if they believe it is being used improperly

4) Should Americans have to respect  the censorship laws of other countries online?

Blog ?
Should Censorship be implemented as a means to differ the illegal use of information, or do you believe that copying information with the correct citing is not illegal at all


  1. Blog Question Answer: I do believe that copying information with the correct citing is not illegal to some degree. I think that if someone puts a song on Youtube, and credits the artist, that is still illegal because it leads to illegal downloading of songs through MP3 converters. On the other hand, say the artist posts their song on Youtube, and then someone posts it on Facebook, that should not be illegal. I believe that if one gives the correct citing on an article, or photograph, etc. then I do not think it is illegal. I think that it all depends on what is being copied, and if the person credits the original author, photography, etc. I think that some censorship should be implemented as a means to differ the illegal use of information, but only for some things.

  2. Blog Question: There is a fine line between what should and should not be illegal when involving information on the internet. I believe that under different situations censorship should be implemented. For example artists who have spent lots of time and money into their work should not have it so easily stolen from them. In addition, I also believe that citing the artist is different based on rather it is a song or article, photo, etc. Even though you may credit a musical artist an illegal download may still occur, which is tied to your name. An author or photographers art can be citied and still be legal due to possible educational purposes or research. Although, for it to suffice the proper was of citing must be used. Therefore I think that a small amount of censorship should be implemented to help prevent illegal use of music and some information.

  3. I don't believe there are any situations where the internet should be censored. Censorship is not the way to stop piracy. The holders of the illegal websites should be the ones getting in trouble not the millions of people across the world who obviously would get free songs or videos for free rather than paying the overpriced monopoly Apple, especially with how bad the economy has become. If censorship begins on the internet there is no knowing where it will stop. There are many different circumstances as to where censorships applies. Website articles enjoy sharing because more people see their advertisements resulting in more money. The focus must be put on the piracy of movies, music, and television because hard work is put into making quality art but owners of illegal sites steal from the artist who have worked so hard. Abiding by other countries rules would be too hard to enforce so I believe there needs to be an alliance of countries that creates an agency that goes after illegal websites.

  4. As many others, I do not believe the internet should be censored in any way. I feel that artists, photographers, etc. know that when they post their art, it will be redistributed no matter what. I think in the long run, these artists make enough of a living to not care about the illegal downloading. As for respecting other countries laws, I do not feel the need to respect them. We are not under an international law but rather our own nation. I feel copying information with the right citation is fully legal because you are giving credit back to the artist. In many occasions, the copying of songs or videos is not for the purpose of making money. Many cases it is for education, such as school projects. Thus said, I feel copying information with citation is fully legal, and censoring is the real crime.

    1. Personally, I believe that censoring the internet is time consuming, unnecessary and a huge hassle. I don't believe it is worth it to those who try to eliminate illegal downloading websites. In the end, those major sites will find a way to hack back into the system some way. For example, MegaUpload, a widely known site to download music and other sources of entertainment, was shut down by the government. In little time, that website hackers threatened the government by showing their ability to hack on to their system. Fortunetly, they didn't do any harm, but they were given their website back. Ultimately, I believe that censoring the internet would be a struggle for everyone. Although illegally downloading items such as movies and music should be frowned upon, it is also a way to spread an artist's work and make them more popular through the internet. So it can also be beneficial to many.

  5. I do not believe the internet should be censored. I think that anyone that posts something on the internet such as pictures of songs etc. then they should understand that someone is probabaly going to take those and use them. I do not feel we need to respect other countries laws, we are under our own nations laws not others. I agree with matt when he says that copying music and other things with the correct citation gives credit to the author is fine. The artists should know that people are going to take it and if they are giving credit for it, it should be fine. I dont like the idea of censorship on the internet

  6. I think that the internet is an invaluable resource. We have the ability to gain information and insights, quite literally, at the touch of a button. I also feel that someone's ideas, art or production is truly sacred. I think there is a paradox for any professional or artist to gain exposure but also gain due appreciation and credit. For me it is a matter of mutual respect. I think, hope and believe that most people do abide by a social contract(Rosseau) without need for a third party to monitor or censor for copying. With that being said, I see that there could be a temptation for people to be selfish or dishonest about how they gain or use materials they find or "borrow." Overall, I believe that the character of an individual and the respect we have for each other and our ideas maintains the balance of gaining information/ideas and the potential unfair use of informaiton/ideas; not an outside monitor. Those that will be dishonest will find a way regardless and those who use the internet to enlighten their minds or expand their knowledge are largely innocent. I am a firm believer that our laws are only as good as the individuals who need to uphold them. Even though it may be convenient and easy to "steal" from others without having to face them and in the privacy of your own home, I believe most people are responsible and respectful. The true decorum of our society relies on our inherent respect and appreciation for one another on a human level not an outside source censoring, monitoring and deeming what is right for others. Censoring to me is a slippery slope that takes away individualism and indpenedent choice. Goodbye Big Brother.

  7. Allison:
    I think that there should be some censorship towards the big companies that make a profit by illegally downloading but I do not think ordinary people should be punished. If an artist puts up their song on YouTube I do not think it is illegal for someone to repost to facebook or use the song in a different video. Especially since the artist knew that the video was going up on the Internet which is not a private place. If people cite where they get things they should not get in trouble because they r not copying someone. I think we should focus more on catching the huge companies and sites that profit from illegal downloading not the ordinary person who posts on Facebook and YouTube.

    1. I firmly agree with many other people that if you are copying or sharing something, you must give credit to the original creator. I don’t think anything is wrong with copying and giving credit. The creator of whatever they post online should know very well that their information will get spread, and isn’t that why they posted it in the first place? There definitely should be some censorship when so much illegal activity happens, but it is hard to control it all because there is so much of it going on. Also, many people copy or use illegal information without even knowing it! Also, I agree with Jack when he said that it is not an individual’s problem, it is the illegal websites that need to be shut down. Trying to mentor all the bad behavior is impossible, instead we should try and advocate giving the author credit!

  8. Censorship is a fairly prevalent issue when it comes to illegally distributed material over the internet. However, there is no black and white zone for what should be censored and what should be, but rather there is a large grey zone. Censorship should be used to protect small company's and artists, as well as preventing any company from turning into a monopoly. The internet is a difficult place to censor, as one would have to do it so that it does no effect the average internet user in a negative way. Censorship should not be used to punish people who simply share songs or information with their friends through links, but should more target illegal download sites and torrents.

  9. Natalie:
    I think that copying other people's material should have different consequnces depending on the severity of the "crime". Many people log onto their preferred social networking cites and post or share something that they might not even realize is considered to be stealing by the author and or artist. People who enjoy viewing and sharing harmlessly, I believe should not be pentalized if they are giving the correct rights to the rightful owner. If anything, just make those people aware of their actions and ask of them not to take it any further and to always identify ownership. However, the big time companies that are truly scamming people (typically musical artists) should be fined and shut down. If the government were to focus on anything, it should be them- the large websites and companies that allow people to illegally download and scam the creator from the money that should rightfully be theirs. I think that ACTA wouldn't be a bad thing to put in to action, but only in certain places. The people who don't know they're doing wrong shouldn't get in trouble but the people who are intentionally providing illegal material definitely should.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. In my opinion I believe that copying information with the right citing is not illegal. For example if someone posted a video somewhere that credited the creator that should be allowed. Also with out allowing copying peoples creativity would be altered considering many people use music or videos to express there own beliefs. I do believe that if music or videos are copied with out citing the creator should be illegal though. Moreover, censorship should be aloud to a level where those who do not credit the author for their creation.

  12. Matt Wolfe
    1. NO I think the internet shouldn't be censored at all because it is a free source of information for everyone. It should not be controlled by any government and only the people.

    2. No, Like many websites it should have a legal notice before entering to discourage people form using, since they are at risk.

    3. Yes, because it is that persons work and they should allow them to claim copyright.

    4. No,I think not just Americans have to respect the rights of censorship. Once someone logs onto the internet its free ball game.

    Copyright with the correct citing is legal. These People in government dont know anything about what they are doing to the internet with censorship, Almost everything on the internet is shared, if all of these things where to be censored then no one could us anything, IE no pictures in presentations due to copyright, no videos on the internet due to copyright, only giant corporations could do simple stuff on the internet that we can due now without copyright. Its simple all these people need to do is credit the original makers of what they are using, its like free advertisement.

  13. Sydney:
    I believe that the major websites that are doing illegal activities should be fined or be caught.I don't believe if a friend shares a funny video on your wall on a social network; they should not be in trouble. If an artist or photographer posts a song or picture, they are the ones that put it out in the public eyes. It is just a given amount of time that someone will repost that picture or video and then it will spread throughout the internet world. Also sharing an artist's videos or songs online is a great way for the person to get publicity. Once when you do it illegally it is a whole different situation.

  14. I also believe that the internet should not be censored in any form. I think piracy through the internet is simply inevitable to a certain extent and people need to accept this. There will always be people posting music and photos illegally for people to download and censoring the internet is not the way to solve the problem. I think one of the bigger problems though is the illegal downloading of music. I agree with matt that these artists already make enough money from tours and live performances to be too concerned about illegal downloading. I also agree with Jack that if anyone were to be held responsible it should be the owners of these websites distributing pirated media or information. I think as long as the information or media has correct citing giving credit to whomever, it should be legal.

  15. It's hard to say whether or not illegal material should be censored. I think for a lot of people whether it was censored or not would not affect the way they view things. People are very two minded; they either believe everything they read online or they question everything and say 'you can't believe everything you read'. But I think whether or not the government tries to censor the internet illegal material will still get online for people to view. However, I would agree that for instances where children could be involved because of the innocence of children and in most cases I think children are not looking around for illegal sites, if there was a way to sign it or age limit sites could use I think that would be affective. Most information on the web today people can get into the system or beyond the firewall anyway, and if one person gets a hold of it...everyone has it. Also, I feel it is a violation of American's rights, they should be able to view whatever they want and the government would be limiting their right by restricting their browsing.

  16. If these new laws are passed, it's censoring people's freedom of press and speech. There is absolutely no crime in using someone else's information no matter what it is as long as you give them the proper credit they deserve for it. The government needs to realize by trying to crack down on people by censorship it will only create more problems. It's common sense that when you outlaw something it just creates a black market for that product which then leads to organized crime in certain cases (Prohibition). Internet piracy, though illegal, will always be around because as soon as one illegal site is shut down another one arises to take its spot. Piracy is definitely something that should be attempted to outlaw though. These potential laws censoring information are unconstitutional and unjustifiable.

  17. Scott G

    As an avid Internet user myself, I am 100% against ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA. In fact, I think that ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA all have one underlying thing in common: they're all cases of "pot calling the kettle black". Although the government knows it's targeting illegal websites, it doesn't know that it's being unconstitutional by doing so; that is, it's censoring freedom of speech and freedom of the press. They need to consider this, as well as the fact that illegal websites are not something that people visit on a regular basis. As if that wasn't enough(and I'm agreeing/quoting Matt M. here), illegal websites are subject to what I like to call the "Hydra Effect". That is, if the government shuts down one illegal website, more will just be created to take its place. Thus, I think the best solution is for the government to just accept that they'll never be rid of illegal websites, and that attempting to censor them will just be a losing battle.

  18. No government should be allowed to censor their citizens' freedom of speech. When people put their songs, art, etc on the Internet, they should know that it will be shared without regard to paying the creator. Why should my friend get in trouble for posting a funny video on my Facebook or listening to a song they like for free. Like it says in the video, it would technically be illegal to verbally share a food recipe with your spouse that you learned in a cooking class. That itself would just be outrageous. In order to enforce those laws, the government would heavily violate our privacy by closely surveying us and watching everything we do on the Internet. Also, like Scott said, the Internet can not be completely censored because new illegal websites will just keep being created. Although I completely disagree with internet censorship, i would expect Americans to respect censorship laws if other countries somehow got them approved.
