Friday, November 16, 2012

Revolution! 3* Blog

Do you think protests are a viable way to achieve change in a mondern day government?  What are effective options? 


  1. I believe the European protests are not a viable way to achieve change. There exists more formal and profession strategies of revolt. Two specific plans include peaceful protest and confronting a figure of strong authority. PEPFAR protestors chanted in front of the White House declaring more funding in their form of peaceful protest. Their actions resulted in some peaceful protest arrests, but the President heard them out. Citizens can also direct the people of highest authority. For example, the United States has had many incidents were citizens present legislation to Congress. Concerns on healthy meat exported from Canada and the legalization of Marijuana are two of several legislation introduced by citizens wanting a different order of regulations.

  2. I don't agree with the protests in Europe. I believe they would be more effective by targeting government officials directly and/or holding non-violent,peaceful protests. For example, during the Civil Rights movement the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) held peaceful sitins at diners in states like Tennessee where segregation was prominent. After protesting nonviolently, they successfully desegregated many breakfast/lunch counters in the south. Others have had success making change by targeting those in power. For example, when fans aren't happy they often target the President and GM of their team in order to make change they deem necessary. The Los Angeles Lakers front office was recently under fire after the team started off 1-4. The fans were outraged and pressured the team higher-ups, through facebook and twitter, to fire head coach Mike Brown. Both of these are better ways that individuals can go about making change.

    1. What are your thoughts on Pat Shurmur?
      At what point are those in charge to be held accountable and responsible? At what point to people just complain to place blame?

  3. I believe that protests are capable of making change in today's government. People protest in order to make their voices heard to the government. A strong assortative leader is needed to build momentum of the cause. A large group of protesters with a strong leader will get the attention of our elected officials and the media. In order to have success, it must be a peaceful protest because if violence occurs, the world will have a negative view of the group. The media will focus on the violence rather than the causes of the protest. This group will then have a hard time maintaining their base of individuals needed. Violence does not change anything, it only makes it worse. Peaceful protests are an effective way to change government.

  4. Protests are still an effective way to make a statement heard. While the United States hasn't had a major nation wide protest since the late Civil Right's Movement, nations like France have major protests four times a year. While this does horrible detriment to their economy, (Thanks to France, the EU has crawled back into a recession.) protest still allows citizens that don't have a proper democracy like the United States.

  5. Protests are effective because it allows your opinions to be heard. If nobody ever knows that you want change, change will most likely never happen. I believe that sitting back and doing nothing will not get anything done.I think that it is best to go straight to the top of authority to make sure they know that you want change. Sometimes people will just give in to stop the protest.

  6. I believe that protesting can be a very viable way to achieve things in modern day governemnt. Protesting can be effective because of the attention from the media that the protestors would gain and the attention that they draw to the situation sheds a dark light on the government for the topic that the people are protesting. If protesting is not an option, creating a petition for a certain movement. Another option aside of protesting is to write a letter. Anyone can write a letter or talk to an official about an issue that concerns them or that they think is unjust.

  7. I believe protests are and effective way to achieve change in a modern day government. If a protest was to gain enough support and enough people were to partake in it, it could get the attention of the important people necessary to make a change. Effective options would be peaceful protests that make a point. Also, violence often can make a point and gain the attention however, it can often cause more problems than it helps.

  8. Protests can be serve as an effective means to achieve change in a modern day government. A reasonable example would be the Arab Spring Revolutions, during which many Middle Eastern countries rose up and protested their dictatorial governments. Most notable was Egypt, who successfully acheived a democratic government after months of protest. When a society's government negatively affects the people who inhabit it, the right response is to protest. As said in the Declaration of Independence, the usurpation of a harmful government is appropriate after a long string of abuses. Peaceful, nonviolent protest is preferable o bloodshed, but in some cases, violence is necessary.

  9. In my opinion I believe protests can be a vary viable way to achieve change because people do not pay attention to one or two people due to their small numbers and weak words but a good amount of people can bring a point across stronger because more people stand out more and create a stronger argument from intimidation and violence whether it be physically or verbally. Sitting around will not get your point across so going to the highest authority as many said will get right to the point and hopefully display a stronger argument.

  10. Personally, I believe that protesting can be a viable way to achieve change in a modern, "civilized" society. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case though. For example, in the Middle East, in countries such as Syria and Libya peacefully protesting has got the opposition to the government nowhere. In fact, the government is using extreme violence and intimidation methods to deter these protests. Thus leaving me to conclude; that in extreme cases such as this one, violence is the only answer to achieving change.

  11. I believe that protests are an effective way to achieve change in a modern day society. People protest so that their voices can be heard and so their can possibly be a change. One way that protesters gain attention and can have their problem be known is by the media. Once the media gains knowledge about the certain protests, they can make their judgements and further provide information about the protesting.

  12. I think protests increase chances of public notoriety and they create an effective voice in the community if everyone stands on the same ground. Protest if enough people back it can change a governments minded out of pure fear. Violence may be used in the protest but only if good reasons are portrayed and necessary. Also with public notoriety other countries will often help out in the protest if deemed necessary. For example, the United States often helps other countries in peril. I do believe that before protest though people should sit down and be diplomatic in the way the try to provide a point. Do not go straight to protest but give good example that help what a person wants to achieve.

  13. Protests are only effective if a large group of people participate, such as religious or political majorities. Although protests arouse the community and encourage involvement, they do not really turn heads at a government level. Now if the protesters resort to non-violent protests, they will most likely not achieve any change towards their cause; however, if the protesters turn to violence or death, officials will see them as extremely serious about their opinions and therefore start to consider instituting changes in favor of the protesters. Lastly, the effectiveness of protests, non-violent or violent, depends on the circumstances. There have been many successful protests, both violent and non-violent, in the past, such as the sit-ins in Tennessee and the Kent State shooting protests.

  14. I believe that protests are a very good option to create change. One, they usually don't have violence or hurt harmless citizens. Also, they can create a lot of publicity for a certain cause which can be helpful towards an end result.The fact that individuals are banning together o a common cause , despite their views on other subjects, is noteworthy and people do pay attention.

  15. While I believe that protests are a very efficent way to create change, I don't believe that the protests and roits europeans are holding will do any good. While violent protests can be good at times, all of Europe is going through a tough economic time right now. Tensions are high and money is tight and holding violent protests that damage property and hurt people is not a way to get your opinion heard. It will only lead to more angry and frustration. The best way for people to get their voices heard in this situation is to hold peaceful protests write letters to their leaders expressing their conerns. This way, people might calm down and try to find a solution to the situation rather than get wound up over the constant fighting.

  16. I strongly believe that protests are NOT a good way to try to change a modern day government. Protests often lead to violence, which puts harm in everyones lives, even the innocent. More viable ways to get your beliefs and ideas across to the government is to make speeches to a wide amount of people, put commercials on the television, or even as simple as making banners on billboards.

  17. I do not agree with the protests happening in Europe.I believe that peace can be found without using violence. Violence in society will just make things worse. Hurting an innocent civilian will not solve your porblems. I find it very sad that people that are not even participating in these portests are being killed. Overall, I believe that peace can be found in many other ways.

  18. I think protests are a viable way to achieve change in modern day government. You want your voice to be heard and to get your point across and protests would get you noticed. Protests are a harmless and affective way to get the result you want. Some protests lead to unwanted events but there are more advantages than disadvantages with protesting.
