Tuesday, February 19, 2013

3* Alexandra: Women in Charge

1.      If more women were like Alexandra and worked hard for what they want, would there be more women in the workforce and higher positions?
2.      Why do you think there is such a divide between men and women in the workforce?
3.      Do you think the divide will lesson or disappear in the future?

New: Should big governments use taxes and/or laws to lower the gender gap in the workforce instead of creating a free market where the person best equipped for the job receives it

Saturday, February 16, 2013

1* Immigrants

1.  Is our country too accepting of immigrants?
2.  What is the motivation of immigrants?
3.  Do immigrants appreciate the American Dream?

New Question:  In your opinion, do immigrants have a positive or negative effect on our country?

Monday, February 11, 2013

1* Bratz- Censorship

Our question for the blog is, "Do you believe it is necessary to "censor" young children from some things until they get older?"

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3* Censorship- Here and China

Do you think if our government started censoring work like the Chinese government does now the product would be civilized and orderly people, or spark a revolution because it angered people? What do you think the role of government should be when it comes to censorship?