Saturday, February 16, 2013

1* Immigrants

1.  Is our country too accepting of immigrants?
2.  What is the motivation of immigrants?
3.  Do immigrants appreciate the American Dream?

New Question:  In your opinion, do immigrants have a positive or negative effect on our country?


  1. I believe that immigrants have a positive effect on our country. I believe this mainly because of the diversity it gives our country especially in schools. Since immigration in Angel and Ellis Island, many people from so many countries have come to America looking for hope which creates such a unity and wide range of background in every individual American. It is so interesting and uplifting to have a whole country with such different backgrounds from so many generations ago. Immigrants back then had such a great impact on America back then and even though the amount of people moving to the country recently is smaller than it has been then, immigrants have a positive impact in the workforce and schools. Even though some cultures aren’t treated the same as other Americans, they are part of this country after immigrating. I simply believe that it is a positive impact on our country.

  2. i do not know how to make a new post ao here is third periods

    1. If more women were like Alexandra and worked hard for what they want, would there be more women in the workforce and higher positions?
    2. Why do you think there is such a divide between men and women in the workforce?
    3. Do you think the divide will lesson or disappear in the future?

    New: Should big governments use taxes and/or laws to lower the gender gap in the workforce instead of creating a free market where the person best equipped for the job receives it?

  3. I believe immigrants have a positive effect on our country. They provide diversity and ingenuity, two important characteristics a successful nation cannot live without. Through diversity, people increase their awareness with multi-cultures and languages. In turn, people can use the new knowledge to innovate. After the invention of the internet, the country's level of ingenuity has flat-lined. People question "What is the next big thing?" With knowledge obtained from immigrants around the world, society can focus on the next big thing. For these two reasons, immigrants have a very positive effect on our country.

  4. I believe legal immigrants have a positive effect on the united states and add to our country. If they have taken the many tests then they deserve to be in our country and a have a good job here as well. They add other views on things along with bringing new culture to our country and abide by every law americans do. However i strongly feel illegal immigrants have a poor or negative effect on our country. They do not support our government system by paying taxes furthermore they take jobs away from tax paying americans. Overall i feel legal immigrants have a positive effect.

  5. In a general situation immigrants to have a positive effect on the country. They bring a new perspective, add to the diversity of America, and take the work that many other people wouldn't. Although this is all good, it is also important to note that it is only positive if they are legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are more so stealing the benefits of being an American citizen, without paying taxes, which does no good.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I believe immigrants have a positive effect on our country. We can learn from their mistakes and also be inspired by what they did. The United States is one big melting pot, so it's interesting to learn how our ancestors traveled from different countries in search of a new life. I feel that because we live in this country, we often take it for granted and do not realize why so many people want to come to America. Although immigrants, back then, had a positive effect on us, I cannot say the same for today's immigrants. Now, immigrants are sneaking trying to sneak into the country, with perhaps different reasons than before. I wouldn't say they are necessarily manipulating the system or belief of "coming to america" but I think a few may take part in that. All in all, immigrants have greatly impacted America, both positively and negatively.

  6. I think that immigrants bring good and bad to our country. However I feel that the good that they bring outweights the bad . Immigrants help to diversify our nation and bring new traditions. They many bring different religions or holidays or food . Also I feel it would be hypocritical to deny immigrants a chance a freedom because the foundation of this country is based on the idea of freedom. In my eyes immigration is good as long as it is legal.

  7. I believe that immigrants have both a positive and negative effect on our country. In a positive note, they bring diversity to our states, and can work for less than minimum wage, which helps out struggling businesses who can’t afford a lot of workers. On the opposing side, illegal immigrants are taking the job of legal citizens who need jobs, and have to pay the taxes that illegal immigrants do not. Also, some immigrants come to American to see drugs or violent reasons that do not help our country.

  8. I definitely think that immigrants help our nation. It adds diversity to our culture and makes our country more unique. Having sucha large aray of people helps make our country accepting.Also, having people from different cultures in our society makes the country stronger as a whole. Each individual group has its own specific skills and having so many groups makes our country very special.

  9. Sarah DiFiore immigrant blog

    I think that the immigrants that come into our country provide a knowledge and a culture that gives America the diversity and the edge that many countries envy. However, we need to grasp control of the excessive amount of illegal immigrants living in our country. Their inability to pay taxes is hurting our economy and causing distress to those citizens who are forced to take money out of their pockets to share with the government. The hypocrisy of some of these illegal immigrants is baffling to me. They come to our country seeking equality, but as they fail to become American citizens they leave the rest of us handicapped, as we continue to pay the government against our will.

  10. I believe that laws should not enforce equality in our government because it could result in an ill qualified individual and our government can be damaging to the part as a whole. For example if a guy is hired over a women just because he is a man it is unfair. The women may have more qualifications and be better fitted for the job. In my opinion whoever is better qualified for a job and can make the greatest positive influence on the job should be the one to receive the job.

  11. I believe that immigrants have a positive effect on our country, but only when the amount of immigrants being allowed to enter the country is monitored. I think that the original immigrants and current citizens that pay taxes to the government should get picked first when it comes to a job, but some companies hire illegal immigrants to work for them for cheaper amounts of money. This is when our country gets in trouble because we pay for the health care of these immigrants. I strongly believe that having a good amount of immigrants coming to our country is a good thing only when they try to become citizens, the amount of illegal immigrants is ridiculous.


  12. To:

    I believe immigrants have a positive effect on our country. If they come here for a good purpose unlike for drugs or the mafia, then immigrants bring much to our country. They bring their culture entailing their moral values. Our country is opened up to different cultures and diversity that we would not get otherwise. We can experience new ways of religion, traditions, and even cooking. If you think about it, our country was made of immigrants. We all have ancestors that came to America a long time ago. If it wasn't for them then we would not exist. Kristyn

  13. I believe that immigrants, in general, are a positive influence on our country. As long as they pay taxes and emigrate from their country's to ours for a good reason, for instance in hope of achieving the American dream, then they are affecting our country in a positive light. They provide new cultures and create diversity, which our country was was originally all about. The United States is known as a melting pot because we accept all people, regardless of race or nationality. On the other hand, illegal immigrants have a strong, negative influence on our country. Since illegal immigrants, for the most part do not pay taxes, they think the economy and even steal some of the American taxpayers money by receiving medical care and other services that should only be allowed to legal citizens. Our nation needs to strengthen its policy on accepting immigrants before it's too late and our country is ruined.
    Nick Skiljan
