Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Olympic Murder?

Blog Question: Can murder ever be justified? Would you be able to forgive someone for murdering a family member of loved one?


  1. I feel that murdercan only be justified but only with very specific ramifications. For me to murder someone, that person would of had to mureder someone close to me or threaten to kill someone I love. I feel that in almost any circumstance there is a good alternative to murder, but sometimes emotions force people to do something they may regret later. Another circumstance where mureder is excusable is if it is a legitamite act of self defense. Other than my given circumstances, I don't their is any situation that canno't be solved in a less violent way.

  2. I believe murder can be justified, but only to a certain extent. For example, it is wrong to murder someone just because you dont like them but it is ok if someone is trying to hurt you and you are using self defence. I would only be able to forgive someone if they murdered someone in my family if they truly regret doing it. Also I would forgive them if they murdered them by accident.

  3. Contrast to the two people above (^), I believe murder can never be justified. There always exists a better solution that does not involve death. Like Marie and Ivar in "O Pioneers!", death in itself is a nasty business with detrimental consequences. These two characters feel against the murder of ducks, a symbol of nature. Frank and Alexandra suffer the aftereffects of gun violence: extreme levels of depression. Frank also suffers from guilt as he carries the heavy burden of murdering Emil. Rather than shooting Marie and Emil, Frank could have never brought the gun to the mulberry tree.

    However, I will forgive someone for murdering a family member or loved one. By forgiving that person, I feel I can overcome the grief of losing someone close. In "O Pioneers!", Alexandra quickly overcame her depression after forgiving Frank and finding a way to bail him out of jail. Although Cather gives Alexandra an unrealistically fast recovery time, Alexandra still overcame her months of mourning.

  4. The only time murder is justifiable is in self defense.Killing another being is a very serious matter because it not only effects their lives but the lives of the individuals close to the deceased.

    I'm not sure if I could ever forgive someone who murdered a family member. To be honest if I did forgive someone for a murder it wouldn't be for their sake it would be more for my own, so that I could move on. But assuredly my forgiveness would not come as fast as Alexandra's.

  5. The only time murder is justifiable is in self defense.Killing another being is a very serious matter because it not only effects their lives but the lives of the individuals close to the deceased.

    I'm not sure if I could ever forgive someone who murdered a family member. To be honest if I did forgive someone for a murder it wouldn't be for their sake it would be more for my own, so that I could move on. But assuredly my forgiveness would not come as fast as Alexandra's.

  6. Similar to what Kevin, Frank, and Paige have recently published, I too believe that in certain, extreme circumstances, murder can be justifiable. However, there must be a very strong reason to do so. Some legitimate reason may be self-defense or if they have murdered another being without reason. I believe in the death penalty and strongly believe in the phrase "an eye for an eye".
    I think if enough time had passed that I would be able to forgive a person for commuting homocide, depending on the situation and all the factors that come along with it. However, I do not believe that I would be able to forgive as quickly as Alexandra did withy the murder of Emil and Marie. Frank's actions were unforgivable and I do not think that I would ever be able to forgive him

  7. I believe murder is only justified under extreme instances and only in defense. I do not believe what the Olympic runner was stating about the face that he thought his girlfriend was breaking in to his house. It seems very unrealistic and extremely unreasonable. If I was the father of the girlfriend who was killed, I would do exactly what Alexandra did for Frank. I wouldn't side with him but I would forgive him (after a longer time than two months). As we talked about in class though, it would be more about forgetting the tragedy and attempting to move on in life with the absence of a loved one. Therefore, I wouldn't forgive the murderer but rather let them know that I was putting the misfortune in the past after a found piece of closure.

  8. In my opinion, murder is not justifiable, except in a few situations. The Olympic runner obviously knew that it was his girlfriend after a while. I believe his story is fraud. Although, if I was in Alexandra's position, I would never forgive Frank for murdering my brother. If someone murdered anyone in my family or one of my friends, I think that full forgiveness is nearly impossible. I would never tell the killer how I forgive them for killing my loved one, but I could not live in morning forever. I would need to move on but not necessarily go as far as Alexandra and forgive Frank.

  9. I believe that murder can never legally be justified, but morally I think that it can be. I believe in an eye for an eye kind of mentality and think that only in the most extreme cases can murder ever be justified. But murder cannot be an everyday common thing. Only in the most extreme cases does a human have the right to take another humans life. I do not think I would ever be able to forgive someone who killed a family member. By taking someone so close to me in my life, I do not think id be able to bring myself to forgive them. No matter what the reason was, or how much time has passed. I just do not think I could do it.


  10. In my opinion I would never forgive anyone for killing a family member of mine. I believe it is ridiculous that the father of the girl who was murdered said he would forgive the runner who killed her. If I was the father I would never forgive him. It is un-called for and not an accident. He smashed her head in, that’s not just murder that man wanted her dead and must have hated her and took every ounce of energy he had out on her skull (a very strong bone structure)

    JOEY: There are a select few time I find it reasonable to kill someone. First, when you’re in war and fighting for your country I find it ok. Second is when you or your loved ones are in danger. Those two reasons are the only reasonable reasons in my opinion for committing such a crime.

  11. Personally I have found that murder is completely acceptable in almost all situations. For example, perhaps a fellow African American scuffs your newly purchased and definitely not stolen laces. You should have the right to shoot that individual multiple times with a glock that is held sideways. Such things are just the simple mechanations of our humble and kind world, and should be encouraged. Also what about Hitler? Wouldn't anyone kill Hitler if they had the chance, even Hitler himself tried to kill Hitler.

  12. On the subject of murder, I believe it is justified in certain situations. For example, if someone is threatening to harm you or your family, you would be acting in self defense by committing murder. Also, when in the military killing is often required in order to serve your country. Additionally, if you are an executioner you should be able to do your job without having to face the moral consequences of feeling murder is unjustifiable. I could forgive someone for murdering my family if for example my family was in league Hitler, but otherwise I would not forgive them.

  13. I believe murder can never be justified. Killing someone is a horrific act that should never be excused. Justifying a murder shows those who are mentally unstable and have alike tendencies to kill that killing people is alright. Personally, I would never be able to forgive someone for killing somebody close to me. Although people do change over time so therefore I would give that person a second chance. Another chance to live a different life for the best for themselves and others. But giving them a second chance does not mean that they are forgiven. I would never be able to forgive someone who murdered someone who I loved. Murder is a sin that should NEVER be forgiven.

    -Kristyn Ostanek
