Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break Reading

Provide literary devices, themes, style observations or responses, thoughts, ideas and/or predictions


  1. One major theme of the story "The things they carried" is mentioned by the narrator when he says "what sticks to the memory, often,are those odd little fragments that have no beginning and no end"(34).

  2. In the chapter "church", O'Brian uses a foil when he talks about Kiowa and Dobbins. Kiowa’s Native American thoughtfulness contrasts with Henry Dobbins’s American ambition.

  3. In the chapter "Good form", the author O'Brian informs the reader that many of the stories he wrote about were made up. He said that he wants the reader to feel what he felt and to do that he believed story-truth is truer sometimes then happening-truth which I also a big theme in the book.
