Monday, April 22, 2013

1* Prince William and Harry

1. How is Prince William similar to Biff? How is Prince Harry similar to Happy?

2. Both Harry and Happy act out, what do you think motivates both of them to do that?

3. Prince William is envious of Harry, do you believe that Biff is envious of Happy's position in the family?

Blog Question:
Do you have siblings? If you do then do you feel pressured in any way? Are you pressured the same amount as your siblings? Do you share the expectations? Why do you think this?
If you don't have siblings then how do you imagine it being if you did have siblings?


  1. 1. I think Prince William is similar to Biff in the way that he was seemingly given everything as a child. Biff was praised by his father as a child while Prince William was given the heir to thethrone in England.On theother hand, Happy and Price Harry can be seem as afterthoughts. They both were not given a lot of attention because they were not the first born children in the family.
    2. I think the reason both Prince Harry and Happy "act out", because they feel like they are deprived of attention and by acting out they gain attention.
    3.While I definitely believe that Happy is envious of Biff,I think Prince Harry is not nearly as envious of William as he is of him. I think that William, being ext in line to be the king, would love to have the oppurtunity to live a "normal life".
    4. I do have a sibling and I think I am pressured a little bit more than my sister. I think the reason I am pressured more is because I am the first born child and have always been the best sibling becasue I'm awesome.

  2. I have two younger sisters.I feel heavily pressured because I must set myself as a role model to them. Their attitudes and behavior reflects our sibling relationship. I am pressured more than my sisters because I am the eldest child of the family, and of my generation; my oldest cousin is eight years old. This, in turn, creates the feeling that my sisters will strive to become better than me. Thus, I must uphold the greatest expectations. In my house, I always challenge my sisters, "I got straight A report cards until the end the middle school. Do better than me." How I live my life, my siblings will always compare themselves to.

  3. When I was was younger I felt pressure to follow in my siblings footsteps with sports, acdemics, and other activities. Now that I'm older and have watched my siblings grow up and make the descion for my self how I what I want to do and how to live my life as my own person. Nevertheless, I do take part in some of the things my siblings did just because it is more familiar with me. Being the youngest can have detriments, however my parents don't put pressure on me to match up to siblings.

  4. 1. I believe that prince William is similar to biff in that he is the "Favorited" of the two. For example, William is the heir to the throne in England and Biff was the sports/popular guy at school. Although very different, both have the same concept.
    2. I believe both act out to try to prove that they are as good as their siblings. Not only to get attention from the parents but also everyone that looks up to them.
    3. I do believe that Biff is envious of happy because as it turns out, instead of Biff being the perfect child, Happy is turning into to it and Biff can not really seem to take that in.
    BLOG QUESTION- I do have siblings but I am the oldest. In this case I do not feel as pressured as I believe my brother is only because I have no one to look up to and try to be like. Similarly, we both share somewhat the same expectations such as getting good grades.

  5. I do have one brother and he is older than me. I believe that he has placed some pressure on me because my parents expect me to achieve the same grades, or better grades that my brother received. My brother sets the example and i am required to follow.

  6. I have two older siblings and live in a very very competitvie family. My siblings and I are always competing to be the best at everything we do. For example when I was in ninth grade my brother challenged me in a pasta eating contest, whoever ate the most bowls of pasta wins. (needless to say i won). In my opninion a little family competiton is great,it makes for an exciting life and always gives you a purpose. But with saying that I dont think a sibling should feel pressure to be like a sibling. Everyone should be there own person. If you be yourself and not try and be like someone who you are not then things will fall into place for you. ---JOEY

  7. I have two older siblings, both brothers and i can say ,thankfully, it usually isn't too competitive. the nice thing is that my brothers and I have different interests and strengths that rarely ever intersect with one another , so there's no need to compete.I do sometimes however feel pressure to do well in school but most of it comes from myself or my parents. I'm thankful that my brothers and I are all so different because honestly I'm not sure how well i'd do if i were to compete with them.

  8. 1. As the older sibling Prince William is similar to Biff because he has more responsibility. While Biff feels pressured by the amount of pressure Willy puts on him, Happy is probably envious of it. This is similar to how Harry has less responsibility because he is not the heir to the throne, but may still be jealous of his brothers attention.
    2. Happy acts out in Death of a Salesman because he is deprived of the attention that Willy gives to Biff. Prince Harry probably does because he is rich and has very few responsibilities.
    3. I dont think Biff envies Happy even though happy has the career that Willy wants for him. However, I believe Happy is envious of Biff and that is the motivation behind many of his actions. I highly doubt that harry is envious of William though, seeing as he is still a prince and incredibly wealthy.
    Blog Question: I have a younger sister. We hardly ever compete but our parents pressure us both to do well in school. I'd say I was pressured slightly more because I'm the firstborn but that does not necessarily hold any truth.

  9. i have one older brother, one younger sister, and one younger brother. I feel all of us are pressured because we always get compared to each other and always try to compete to be the best. However i feel through child hood the oldest always has it the hardest because the parents are the most strict and don’t exactly know the ropes yet. The expectations are set highest for the oldest sibling and simmer down by the youngest. In total i feel if you are the oldest you have it the hardest, however younger siblings are always compared to the oldest. Also expectations are always set to whichever child is doing the best at that time, and the rest of the siblings try to keep up.

  10. I have three older siblings, two brothers and one sister. I dont really feel pressured to any extent in relation to my siblings. There is not competition between myself and my older brother, who are less than two years apart, and due to an age gap more than twice my age, there is little competition between myself and my oldest brother and sister. I believe that we, being siblings who for the most part grew up together, share many general expectation such as success and financial security in the future. However, our parents do not force excess expectations on us and, for the most part, leave us to decide goals and expectations for ourselves based on what we enjoy and excel in. -CONOR TOOMEY

  11. I have one sister who is 6 years older than I am. i feel that she competes with me, however i try my best to mind my own business. I believe that she is envious of me because of the contrast between how strict my parents are with me and how they were with her. since she was the first child my parents did all the worrying when she was young and had the chance to learn that past a certain age, we could handle ourselves. she often reminds me in an angry manner of how she would have 'never been allowed to do that'. sometimes ive even found out that a secret i had entrusted in her had been directly relayed to my parents once my back was turned, I believe to try and level the playing field. It often gets on my nerves. however, we are far enough in age that we are in completely different stages of life. This makes the subject of competition more rare between us.
    - Kiersten Pappas

    1. Thats's too bad. I would imagine as you are older things will change for the better.

  12. Yes, I do have siblings, and being the youngest of them I feel pressured by them frequently. I have two older sisters, both of them have graduated High School, one has graduated college. Because my sisters did well in High School I am pressured to do just as well as they did. I do not share the same expectations as my sisters, seeing as their expectations are female oriented, and I am a guy. I think this because they both went to college for some sort of art degree, which I don't see myself doing.

  13. I think that Willy is detrimental to his kids. He doesn't realize his actions actually hurt his sons, versus helping them like he thinks he is doing. He absolutely wants the best for his kids, and his intentions are without question good. But never seems to grasp the fact that he's really hurting them. Mans nature is inherently good, but you cannot have good without evil. Willy is a prime example because his intentions are good, but they negatively affect those around him. Biff and Happy are currently defined by their father, only because they have not done anything yet to define themselves. So they need to do something themselves to separate themselves from their father. As I said earlier, good cannot exist without evil unfortunately. And that was shown in the Boston marathon. Where man is inherently good, but some are evil. --BLAKE EAGLE

  14. I have one sister who is five years younger than me. I do not feel pressured and neither does she. We both have very different personalities. We do not like the same things. Because of these factors, there is no competition between us. Our parents also understand that we are very different so they do not stir up any competition. I believe parents play a large role in this pressure between siblings. If they accept that they are two different people and may not be able to achieve as much as the other than there will be no pressure.

  15. I have an older brother John who is a freshman at Dayton. He was the first child so he paved the path for me. At the same time, I feel as though I have to meet his standards or acheive higher than them. I believe that John and I have the same expectations. He is going into entrepreneurship while I'm going into the medical field which are very different but we both try as hard as we can to succeed in what we do to our greatest extent.
